1. MAKEUP. Make it overdone, even outrageous. For example, for my Alice in Wonderland costume I'm going to wear an insane amount of pink blush and lots of mascara. You want to make sure that your make-up is theatrical, while still using the basic skills in applying makeup in the way that you always do, to put your best face forward.
2. WIGS. Well if your costume calls for a different color hair or different style, sometimes wigs are the way to go. You could always use that spray hair color, but really it just gives you streaky greasy hair. And, really, who wants to be spraying something other than product into their hair?? If you can find one that you really like, sometimes wigs can totally make the costume.
Wigs from Halloween Costumes
3. SHOES. No matter what your costume is your shoes should be amazing! This is the time to bring out the dusty platform heels or to wear those glittery ballet flats. With Halloween, the more, the better. This applies to your feet too.
Shoes from Halloween Costumes
4. JEWELRY. As my personal favorite accesory, I think that you can dec yourself in some awesome jewelry. For example, if your going as an angel wear pearls or diamonds (fake), or if your going as a devil wear some red hot bangles. Be creative, but don't go overboard and let it take away from your costume.
Happy Almost Halloween!!
~Ronni ---%---(()