Check It Out: Inspiration : )

Check It Out Check It Out

So I am extra happy with my outfit today : ) 
Pants: Hollister (like $40)
Tunic: TJ Max (like $15) (Billabong) 
Flower Belt: American Eagle ($24)
Other Belt (can kinda see it): Came with pants
Shoes (Hot!): Nine West (idk Mom's)
Well as you can see this outfit did not cost that much and to tell you the truth, its things that I don't really wear a lot. Weird, cause they are just so cute! I guess it's cause the tunic is actually really big and flowy without the belts. Like, really big. And I really don't now why I don't wear the pants. It's a crime I tell you! I'll definitely be wearing them more : ) But anyway, sadly I did not come up with this outfit on my own. I was really lacking creative juices this morning so I went to my handy dandy bible (Teen Vogue) for an idea....
world traveler

Now I know these outfits are way cooler but still, I found stuff like it without spending any money : )