Dry, Winter Skin

So you know how when you have a biscuit or something that you want to eat but it's hard, you stick it in the microwave with a glass of water so the the moisture gets transferred to the biscuit and it's all fluffy again? Well in winter don't you kind of wish you could do that with yourself so you weren't all dry and flaky from the cold? Well yeah, we do. So here are some tips for staying moisturized...
  • Keep a hand lotion with you at all times
  • Same thing with lip balm (Chapstick is our favorite and its only like $2)
  • After showers put lotion on (remember warm showers dry you out more but cold showers in winter aren't that appealing)
  • Have a good face moisturizer that you put on in the mornig (ones with SPF are a good choice)
  • Wear gloves to protect your hands from getting chapped and crap from the elements
  • Drink lots of water!