Closet Cleanout

Ever looked in your completely full closet and said to yourself, "I have nothing to wear"? Well that can be easily fixed. Let me tell you the secret. Take a break from your scheldule on a weekend or in summer to go through all your clothes.Just take them out and you'll be surprised what you find. We often wear the things we like most, the most often. Therefore, these things are at the front of your closet in plain sight. The things we dont wear as much are hidden. When you empty out your closet though, you'll be able to look at all your clothes and probably come up with some great ideas. Get rid of the stuff that doesnt fit you any more and rotate the stuff you "ignore" to the front of your closet. Pair these things with some great new accesories and BAM!! great new wardrobe without even spending a penny. You're organizing your closet, getting rid of the stuff that doesnt fit, getting more amazing outfits to wear, and saving money all at the same time!!!! So there the secret's out.

~Ronnie : >

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